Chicago home of Midwest AntiWar Mobilization & Coalition Against NATO/G8

Midwest AntiWar Mobilization is proud to work with peace and social justice groups in Chicago and to endorse the actions leading up to the 10th anniversary of the unlawful counterterrorism detentions in Guantanamo.

January 11, 2012 is the 10th anniversary of the unlawful detention in Guantanamo. In the days leading up to that anniversary, there will be month long vigils and actions opposing the injustice that surrounds Gauntanamo. On January 11, there is a national call for a day of action in Chicago in solidarity with actions in Washington D.C. and around the country.

Learn more about Witness Against Torture-Chicago here.

Download the Amnesty International flyer about the January 11, 2012 action in Washington DC.

Daily Fast, Vigils and Events Schedule

January 2-11, 2012 in Chicago

Download the Schedule of Events here.

Download the resource sheet here.

Mon, Jan 2:
Noon-1pm Opening Vigil (City Hall, Clark + LaSalle)

Why? Support the city council to pass the Resolution to make Chicago a “Torture Free” zone, as leadership for other cities, and in response to torture in our own backyard- e.g. Chicago Police history of torture. See more information from Illinois Coalition Against Torture

3-8pm “A Movement to End Torture” Exhibit Opening,

including a 6pm Roundtable discussion about the war on terror (Mess Hall [MH]- 6932 N. Glenwood Ave.) Open daily Mon-Fri, Jan 2-Jan 6: 3-5pm

Tues, Jan 3:
8-9am 8th Day Center for Justice Vigil (Occupy Chicago site, Chicago Board of Trade- Jackson+LaSalle)

Why? Raise your voice to end revenge, military spending and the war on terror in response to September 11. See more information from the 8th Day Center for Justice

9:30-10:30am Conversation on war on terror

(8th Day Center for Justice, 205 W. Monroe, Ste 500)

3-5pm A Movement to End Torture Exhibit (MH)

6-7:30pm ‘Meal’ (liquids only) and gathering (WRCW)

Wed, Jan 4:
Noon-1pm Vigil (Boeing Headquarters- 400 S. LaSalle St.)

Why? Say no to illegal and inhumane extraordinary rendition flights! Jeppeson International Trip Planning, a subsidiary of Boeing, handles logistical planning for the CIA’s extraordinary rendition flights, to Bagram and other covert locations, or ‘black sites’. ‘Torture flights’ are the abduction and illegal transfer of suspected terrorists from one country to another, so that the US can use ttechniques that are beyond (legal) enhanced interrogation. See more information from the Illinois Coalition for Justice, Peace and the Environment (ICJPE) and the Coalition to Ground Boeing Torture Flights

3-5pm A Movement to End Torture Exhibit (MH)
Thurs, Jan 5:
Noon-1pm Vigil (MCC Correctional Center- Clark + VanBuren)

Why? Show your support for a judicial system that says no to detention of suspects who have not been charged, from Chicago to Guantánamo. Call for an end to indefinite detention, a form or torture, and protest the passing of the provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act which gives permission to the military to arrest U.S. citizens suspected of terrorism and detain them without charge or trial. See more information from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

3-5pm A Movement to End Torture Exhibit (MH)

6:30-8pm ‘Meal’ (liquids only) and Reflection

With John Neafsey and Meg Marshall from the Marjorie Kovler Center for Survivors of Torture (Open Hands, St. Gertrude’s Ministry Center 6214 N. Glenwood)

Fri, Jan 6
7:15am-8:15am Interfaith Vigil for Immigrant Justice
(back at Broadview Detention Center 1930 Beach St, Broadview, IL 60153)

Why? We demand an end to the expansion and privatization of the abusive immigration detention system. Come be a witness to those being detained here in Illinois, and those 1,100 people deported daily from the U.S. We also remember those in Tri- County and Jefferson County Jails in Illinois, and denounce plans to open a new ICE detention facility in Crete, IL. See more information from the Chicago Religious Leadership Network (CRLN)

8:30-10am Conversation on Immigration detention
ith Jenny Dale from CRLN (Marquee Restaurant, 2417 W. Roosevelt Rd., Broadview, IL)

3-8pm A Movement to End Torture Exhibit Closing

including a 6pm Dramatization of a Gitmo Story (MH)

Sat, Jan 7

TEACH-IN (Grace Place- 637 S. Dearborn)

9am-5pm Sessions (please see schedule for more details)

All day Reflections, art project, A Movement to End Torture exhibit

Noon-1pm Vigil (start at Grace Place)

Why? To reach out to the American people, to raise awareness about torture, indefinite detention and other forms of inhumane treatment being done in their name- let’s all work together to end it!

For more information and a flyer on the teach-in, click here

Sun, Jan 8
No Vigil
TEACH-IN (Wellington UCC- 615 W. Wellington Ave.)

10:30am-noon Special Worship Service on Torture at UCC + coffee hour to follow

1-4pm Nonviolence Training for Public Action with Pace e Bene

5-8pm Direct Action planning with Christian Peacemaker Teams

For more information and a flyer on the teach-in, click here
Mon, Jan 9
Noon-1pm Vigil (Lisa Madigan, Illinois Attorney General’s office- 100 W. Randolph)

Why? To call on the state attorney general’s office to reopen cases of men who are still incarcerated and were tortured decades ago by the Chicago Police under then Chief of Police Jon Burge.

4-5pm (tentative) Tour of the Kovler Center with a conversation to follow about their work with torture survivors (KC- 1331 W. Albion Ave.)

Tues, Jan 10
8-9am 8th Day Center for Justice Vigil (Occupy Chicago site, Chicago Board of Trade- Jackson+LaSalle)

6-7:30pm ‘Meal’ (liquids only) and gathering (WRCW)

Wed, Jan 11

3pm gather (Federal Plaza- Dearborn+Jackson)

On January 11, 2012 — the 10th anniversary of Guantanamo — we will meet at 3 pm in Federal Plaza (Dearborn and Adams) for a rally, march and human chain. Wear Orange. We will be asking people to join the human chain wearing orange jumpsuits to represent those still being held at Guantanamo Bay Detention Center and Bagram Detention Center in Afghanistan.

For more information contact Marie, Regina or John at the White Rose Catholic Worker, 773-856-0315 or or


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